Prospecting Booklet for cosmedical technologies

24 page 11x8.5” booklet
Received rough copy to start laying out the booklet
Collaborated with the copywriter and the marketing director to determine what and how much information would be useful for a potential client
Chunked the information and created unique layouts for each section to make the booklet as engaging as possible
Created key images and infographics to balance out longer sections of text
Finalized the booklet with the marketing director and sent it off for a test run and then final print
Making sure the booklet had pages in a multiple of four for printing without making any section feel empty or shoehorned in
Making a page with a list of benefits feel as full as the page with the company and founder’s story
Collaborate closely with the copywriter and marketing director to ensure the copy and design are balanced and the perfect length
Create anchor images for pages lighter on copy to still make them feel valuable